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ORDER- Mediator's Fee-SCDRC-02/08/2023

Regarding Transfer of Cases In Districts Commission
Functioning of Consumer Courts in June 2024
Public Notice/Circular
Listing of Interlocutory Application(IA)

This is for information of all the litigants/Advocates that no document/Pleadings shall be accepted in the court during hearing in the court, all are requested to file the same in the Registry well before the date of hearing so that the same can be placed on the record to avoid inconvenience to the Hon'ble Presiding Officer and also to the litigants.

NOTICE:- Parties are directed to collect the certified copies on the same day of Pronouncement of the case from Hemant(Junior Assistant Ahlmad Room between 2 to 4 PM.

Jago Grahak Jago